The video captures me doing a 100# push press.
Monday, January 27, 2014
personal record: push press
Tonight we had to work on our 1 rep max of shoulder to overhead, which can be a push press, or military (strict) press, or push jerk. I decided to work on my push press as my last PR was 80# and I knew I could do heavier. I used the rack tonight as I know my max clean is 95# and I wanted to work on a heavier push press. I ended up doing a 105# with more to spare. Ran out of time and didn't want to tire myself out before the WOD. I think I could've done 10# heavier. Next time!
Saturday, January 25, 2014
running, again
Today Aaron and I went to Grant High School to utilize their track, which is very nice. I have a goal to run the same 10k I ran in 2010 this coming June. But in order to do that, I have got to get back out there and run again. Last weekend we gave it a try and it was a disaster. My knees weren't happy at the least bit and I could feel a full blown asthma attack coming on. And like the smart person that I am, I left my inhaler at home. I don't know if the cold weather was throwing me off, the bad shoe decision, or a combination of both but it didn't go well.
I wanted todays go to be a better success, so I did some research on the asthma thing. I don't have a full asthma problem, at least I am not aware that I do. I get seasonal allergies (Spring time) that induces asthma, as many people in Portland do. But as it seems that there are times that I'll get a mild attack throughout the year when I am dealing with congestion or breathing too hard. I had read that if I use my inhaler prior to the run, I shouldn't have any issues. Today I tried that advice, and it worked. My lungs didn't feel like they were going to jump out of my chest and my throat didn't sting at the least. I also know that I have a horrible habit of taking off in full speed when this is suppose to be at a pace that I can handle for a long distance. So I focused pretty damn hard on my speed and intentionally ran slow. I couldn't believe that worked. There were moments when my knee wasn't happy, I'd stop and shake it out and get back to running. I didn't run an entire mile, it was more of an interval sort of thing. My goal is to get to where I can run an entire mile without pain or feeling like I will die any moment. Then I will work up on my speed. Today's mile was accomplished in 15:47, a slow time but I am pleased. We all have to start somewhere!
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Getting ready. |
I wanted todays go to be a better success, so I did some research on the asthma thing. I don't have a full asthma problem, at least I am not aware that I do. I get seasonal allergies (Spring time) that induces asthma, as many people in Portland do. But as it seems that there are times that I'll get a mild attack throughout the year when I am dealing with congestion or breathing too hard. I had read that if I use my inhaler prior to the run, I shouldn't have any issues. Today I tried that advice, and it worked. My lungs didn't feel like they were going to jump out of my chest and my throat didn't sting at the least. I also know that I have a horrible habit of taking off in full speed when this is suppose to be at a pace that I can handle for a long distance. So I focused pretty damn hard on my speed and intentionally ran slow. I couldn't believe that worked. There were moments when my knee wasn't happy, I'd stop and shake it out and get back to running. I didn't run an entire mile, it was more of an interval sort of thing. My goal is to get to where I can run an entire mile without pain or feeling like I will die any moment. Then I will work up on my speed. Today's mile was accomplished in 15:47, a slow time but I am pleased. We all have to start somewhere!
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After completing a total of 2 miles of walking/running. |
Friday, January 24, 2014
misinformed nonsense
I have now been doing CrossFit successfully for 8 months. I say successfully because I haven't experienced any injuries that is related to this fitness regimen and/or sport... whatever you want to call it. Even with the progress I've made, some large and some small, I still get the misinformed email, text, and post about how CrossFit is (fill in the blank). Now for those of you who do CrossFit or something similar, you have probably experienced this and know how utterly ridiculous some of the things said to us are. I'm here to set the record straight to my family, my friends, and even those I don't know who happen to ponder onto this blog.
CrossFit does not break bones. CrossFit does not injure joints, muscles, or any other random tissue. CrossFit does not cause death. I'm not going to one day turn into a beast or a man. And I know what you are thinking right now, there are stories out there. Stories and articles from "reputable" sources that talk about how "dangerous" CrossFit is. Well those stories, those "reputable" sources are only telling you a story of one individual out of the thousands upon thousands who do CrossFit. More often than not these articles are riddled with inaccuracies.
The most common share I get are the worried concerns from my loved ones who have read or watched a story about Rhabdomyolysis. This condition is when the skeletal muscle tissue breaks down rapidly due to physical factors, such as crush injuries or strenuous exercise. It is stated that you can read about this condition in the Bible but the earliest modern discovery of it was in the early 1900's. CrossFit did not begin until 2000. The condition has been around far longer than CrossFit and the majority of the people who deal with this condition are typically earthquake victims who live through being crushed by debris. And yes, there are some athletes and exercise enthusiasts who have had the unfortunate experience of this condition. But it was of their own doing, and is not limited to CrossFit.
Accidents and injuries? Yes, these do, can, and will happen. Maybe not to everyone. Some severe, some not so serious. It's not the sport or activity that is to blame for these sort of situations. It is the person(s) involved in said situation. At some point people have really got to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. When it comes to CrossFit, learn how to properly lift before adding weight you can't handle. Trying something new for the first time, like say a handstand? Do it with proper supervision. But know in anything we do, whether it be driving a fast car, riding a bike, running a 10k, or walking your dog, take responsibility for what you are doing. Stop putting the blame on someone or something else. And sometimes genuine accidents happen. These unforeseen circumstances can and will occur, though these are not limited to physical activities (like CrossFit).
So the next time you read or watch a story about CrossFit and how "dangerous" it is or how someone has (fill in the blank), please don't fall for the sensationalized garbage! The worse thing you can do is to talk about something you know little to nothing about. I am grateful for having a wonderful support system and to be surrounded by those who care about my well being. But for the love of my sanity, ask me questions or have a conversation with me about what you saw or heard (or to whom you know is a CrossFitter). Don't be a part of the problem by spreading misinformed nonsense...
CrossFit does not break bones. CrossFit does not injure joints, muscles, or any other random tissue. CrossFit does not cause death. I'm not going to one day turn into a beast or a man. And I know what you are thinking right now, there are stories out there. Stories and articles from "reputable" sources that talk about how "dangerous" CrossFit is. Well those stories, those "reputable" sources are only telling you a story of one individual out of the thousands upon thousands who do CrossFit. More often than not these articles are riddled with inaccuracies.
The most common share I get are the worried concerns from my loved ones who have read or watched a story about Rhabdomyolysis. This condition is when the skeletal muscle tissue breaks down rapidly due to physical factors, such as crush injuries or strenuous exercise. It is stated that you can read about this condition in the Bible but the earliest modern discovery of it was in the early 1900's. CrossFit did not begin until 2000. The condition has been around far longer than CrossFit and the majority of the people who deal with this condition are typically earthquake victims who live through being crushed by debris. And yes, there are some athletes and exercise enthusiasts who have had the unfortunate experience of this condition. But it was of their own doing, and is not limited to CrossFit.
Accidents and injuries? Yes, these do, can, and will happen. Maybe not to everyone. Some severe, some not so serious. It's not the sport or activity that is to blame for these sort of situations. It is the person(s) involved in said situation. At some point people have really got to grow up and take responsibility for their actions. When it comes to CrossFit, learn how to properly lift before adding weight you can't handle. Trying something new for the first time, like say a handstand? Do it with proper supervision. But know in anything we do, whether it be driving a fast car, riding a bike, running a 10k, or walking your dog, take responsibility for what you are doing. Stop putting the blame on someone or something else. And sometimes genuine accidents happen. These unforeseen circumstances can and will occur, though these are not limited to physical activities (like CrossFit).
So the next time you read or watch a story about CrossFit and how "dangerous" it is or how someone has (fill in the blank), please don't fall for the sensationalized garbage! The worse thing you can do is to talk about something you know little to nothing about. I am grateful for having a wonderful support system and to be surrounded by those who care about my well being. But for the love of my sanity, ask me questions or have a conversation with me about what you saw or heard (or to whom you know is a CrossFitter). Don't be a part of the problem by spreading misinformed nonsense...
Thursday, January 23, 2014
changes are in progress
I haven't been posting as frequently as I had been lately. It is certainly not because there hasn't been anything to write about, far from the truth actually. I have a lot to share with you all and just haven't had the time to sit down and put it all into words. There are big changes happening for myself personally and for my blogs. I am preparing to launch my very own website that will host both blogs. This is very exciting as I am beginning to brand myself to the world, well with one friend at a time. (wink wink) I will continue to blog here about my ups and downs, successes and failures, and everything in between. You will notice some changes have already occurred on this blog, you will probably notice more changes in the coming days. The reason? I wanted a way to get myself out there, but as well as minimizing as much nonsense as possible. Between both blogs I had multiple "about me" sections and contact forms. I wanted a way to streamline what I am doing and keep it simple and clean for you and I. The main website will have an "about me" section, a single contact form, and access to both blogs. And I am sure my site will evolve as I evolve.
I am currently enrolled at Portland Community College, working towards getting into the Fitness Technology Program this coming Spring. My education will not hinder my journey into a healthier and fitter being. If anything, this very road I am embarking on will only open more doors for me. So please bare with me if I do not post as often or if my posts are short and sweet. If you wish to contact me, you still can and I will respond as quickly as I am able. Thank you for all the well wishes that I have already received, and the praises for all of my progresses. I am humbled by your support.
I am currently enrolled at Portland Community College, working towards getting into the Fitness Technology Program this coming Spring. My education will not hinder my journey into a healthier and fitter being. If anything, this very road I am embarking on will only open more doors for me. So please bare with me if I do not post as often or if my posts are short and sweet. If you wish to contact me, you still can and I will respond as quickly as I am able. Thank you for all the well wishes that I have already received, and the praises for all of my progresses. I am humbled by your support.
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This photo was taken from Pinterest. |
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
personal record: power clean
It's not a big PR but nonetheless it's a new personal best. I went from a 90# clean to a 95# this evening. I did attempt to move up to 100# but I just wasn't feeling it this evening. I know I have it in me but after Monday and Tuesday's WOD's my back is feeling pretty sore. Safety first. :)
Monday, January 20, 2014
personal record: deadlift
This evening I set a new personal record on my Deadlift. In October I did a 200# DL and this evening I did a 225#. I did attempt three times to do a 245# but I couldn't do it. That is ok, I will do it next time. Thankfully, this time I thought to have my PR recorded. Enjoy! :)
P.S. I am such a giddy girl sometimes.
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
experienced progression
Monday was my first day back to CrossFit after dealing with the Flu and though I finished the WOD in it's entirety, it wiped me out. I couldn't muster the energy or the will to go on Tuesday, so I rested instead. This morning I woke up feeling much better in my lungs and congestion is almost gone, think I am almost completely better. Besides some soreness in my hamstrings, I figured I could manage to do tonights WOD. Work up to a heavy shoulder press, and then AMRAP* in 15 min of 10 pull-ups, 10 ring dips, and 10 lunges.
First of all, I haven't done a shoulder press for a while and found that I kept wanting to do a push press. Our coach tonight was one of the coaches that usually teaches earlier in the day, Megan. She saw me struggling a bit and I told her how I kept wanting to do a push press. She gave me some valuable advice! Megan said to tighten my core, quads, and hamstrings, this way I wouldn't be tempted to dip down because I'd essentially be locked out. So I gave it a go. Voila! I was able to do my shoulder presses, and worked up to a new heavy at 65#. That is a 10# increase for me. Which also suggests that if I can do a 65# shoulder press, I should now be able to do a heavier push press… I better get to work on those!
During our warm-up this evening I attempted to do lunges to see if I could without any pain. If you have been keeping up with my blog, you know I have been dealing with some right knee pain. I've been working hard in staying vigilant with mobility work, doing squats correctly, and resting when needed. I was absolutely surprised that I had absolutely no indication that my knee had any issues. I lunged with no problems. At that moment I thought my body is really beginning to adapt and accept the movements and training I have been learning and doing at CrossFit all these months. So I assessed again what our WOD was and decided to move up to the next phase of the pull-up. I have never been able to do a strict pull-up. I've been working on it from time to time and notice very subtle changes but it's been slow going. But during a WOD, doing attempted strict pull-ups won't do a whole lot for you. When I first started CrossFit and tried to do a banded pull-up, it wasn't happening. I was 20 or so #'s heavier than I am now, and didn't have much arm, shoulder, or core strength. So I started from the VERY beginning, jumping pull-ups. Well tonight ladies and gentleman, I had decided it was time to move up. I tried using a band and after a couple of rounds of figuring out my movement and adding/changing bands, I am finally doing pull-ups! Oh. My. Word.
So tonight was a night of progression. My knee is on the mend and pain free. I learned how to focus on a shoulder press and did a heavier weight. And I am now on banded pull-ups. I am so in awe of the human body and how it changes and works. Things I never thought possible are now possible, or at the very least closer. Progress is such an amazing feeling.
*AMRAP = as many rounds as possible
First of all, I haven't done a shoulder press for a while and found that I kept wanting to do a push press. Our coach tonight was one of the coaches that usually teaches earlier in the day, Megan. She saw me struggling a bit and I told her how I kept wanting to do a push press. She gave me some valuable advice! Megan said to tighten my core, quads, and hamstrings, this way I wouldn't be tempted to dip down because I'd essentially be locked out. So I gave it a go. Voila! I was able to do my shoulder presses, and worked up to a new heavy at 65#. That is a 10# increase for me. Which also suggests that if I can do a 65# shoulder press, I should now be able to do a heavier push press… I better get to work on those!
During our warm-up this evening I attempted to do lunges to see if I could without any pain. If you have been keeping up with my blog, you know I have been dealing with some right knee pain. I've been working hard in staying vigilant with mobility work, doing squats correctly, and resting when needed. I was absolutely surprised that I had absolutely no indication that my knee had any issues. I lunged with no problems. At that moment I thought my body is really beginning to adapt and accept the movements and training I have been learning and doing at CrossFit all these months. So I assessed again what our WOD was and decided to move up to the next phase of the pull-up. I have never been able to do a strict pull-up. I've been working on it from time to time and notice very subtle changes but it's been slow going. But during a WOD, doing attempted strict pull-ups won't do a whole lot for you. When I first started CrossFit and tried to do a banded pull-up, it wasn't happening. I was 20 or so #'s heavier than I am now, and didn't have much arm, shoulder, or core strength. So I started from the VERY beginning, jumping pull-ups. Well tonight ladies and gentleman, I had decided it was time to move up. I tried using a band and after a couple of rounds of figuring out my movement and adding/changing bands, I am finally doing pull-ups! Oh. My. Word.
So tonight was a night of progression. My knee is on the mend and pain free. I learned how to focus on a shoulder press and did a heavier weight. And I am now on banded pull-ups. I am so in awe of the human body and how it changes and works. Things I never thought possible are now possible, or at the very least closer. Progress is such an amazing feeling.
*AMRAP = as many rounds as possible
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This photo was taken from Pinterest. |
Push Press,
Ring Dips,
Shoulder Press,
Saturday, January 4, 2014
post reflection on the sugar challenge
So it's been four days since the sugar challenge I was in ended. And you'd think that I went out and indulged in sweet treats, right? Well I didn't, not exactly. First it didn't help that right after Christmas I caught the Flu bug and was out of the game for a week. I am feeling tons better but still walking around with a nagging cough. So my diet didn't change a whole lot since my taste took a while to return to normal, though I think it's still off a bit. This down time gave me some time to think and reflect on what I learned from this challenge and how I want to proceed from here. For starters, I no longer crave any of my old favorite treats, which is a fantastic thing. I broke out of a bad habit and formed some new ones due to this challenge. I was hoping to accomplish not wanting to fall back to my old ways. So yesterday I decided to indulge in a sweet treat. I purchased this small little SnackWells pack of four cookies. These were one of my go to treats that were suppose to be a healthier choice but were riddled with not so good things. I managed to eat two cookies when I decided to throw the pack out. Not because I had had enough, but because the taste of the cookies were awful. I am amazed how I can now distinguish the taste of something made with good quality ingredients, and bad stuff.
I have no desire to go back to my old eating habits. I have full intentions on continuing on the same path I established during the challenge. I will allow natural sweet treats from time to time, and the occasional alcohol induced outings but I have no desire to ruin all that I have accomplished. I got goals I want to reach. This is the only body I have, I want to treat it right!
I have no desire to go back to my old eating habits. I have full intentions on continuing on the same path I established during the challenge. I will allow natural sweet treats from time to time, and the occasional alcohol induced outings but I have no desire to ruin all that I have accomplished. I got goals I want to reach. This is the only body I have, I want to treat it right!
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
happy new year's
Welcome 2014!
I feel like I ended 2013 on a high mark! Lost 3# on the last week of the sugar challenge and the last week of the year. I feel good about my body even though it is not where I want it to be just yet. I feel more confident in my abilities in CrossFit though I know I still have a lot to accomplish and learn. But I still have that desire and that is the most important thing, I think. So what will 2014 bring? I hope it opens more doors for me. I am enrolled in school again and classes begin on January 6th. I will be applying to get into the Fitness Technology Program this Spring. I think it is safe to say CrossFit has changed my life in many ways than expected. I am also considering in competing at a CrossFit competition later this year. What?! Yes, I am. So yes, 2014 will be a good year.
What are you working towards for 2014?
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This photo was take from Pinterest. |
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