Sunday, June 27, 2010

allergy hell

I'm living in allergy hell at the moment. I was probably one of the few people in Oregon that was happy that summer came around late. We had a rainy start to June, and because of it my allergies were put at bay. But now the sun has come out to play, and don't get me wrong I love the sun, but whatever it is that my body doesn't like is out to play too! My eyes are miserably itchy and red (thank god for Patanol), my nose won't stop running (constant drip, drip, drip...) which then causes me to have this constant sore throat. All this gives me absolutely no motivation to do anything but stay in somewhere cool. Give me a cold wet towel to throw over my eyes and I'm good. Unfortunately I can count in one hand how many times I ran in the last 2 weeks, and that's no bueno!! I wanted to go for a run today, at least a good brisk walk, but I woke up finding that I am having breathing issues. Ahhh, yes, that's right I get allergy induced asthma!! Lucky me, all of my inhalers have expired and so now I have to focus on my breathing and keeping myself relaxed until I can get a hold of my doctor. That means no running (or walking for that matter) for me today. How am I going to survive camping next week? Time to go blow my nose...

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