Friday, November 5, 2010

time to start over

I know it has been quite a while since I have posted anything. Unfortunately, I haven't had much to type about and sadly no success in the running department. It turns out what I thought was just a bad rolling of my ankle, was a tear in some tissues. I'm still dealing with inflammation and some discomfort. My walking abilities are fine, jumping and moving around are ok but in no way am I able to run very long or even wear shoes that allow my heel to be higher than the ball of my foot. This has been a very frustrating time for me. The lack of running and exercising has made me lazy, and though I have managed to still eat fairly well and not gain a bunch of weight back, I still feel inadequate! You know that saying, "you have to hit rock bottom"? I think I came pretty close, self-doubt, lack of self-esteem, frustration, etc etc, it all set in. Yesterday I noticed my ex-running coach had posted a success story of one of her clients. There were before and after photos, stats, and the means of how this remarkable lady accomplished her goals. I saw this, and for a moment became very upset because I knew deep down there is NO reason why I can't accomplish what this lady has!

After some deep thinking, and several chats later, I contacted my running coach, Jennifer, and told her I needed her help!! Jennifer is an amazing woman, and talking with her alone is motivation! She does more than coach in running, but is also a personal trainer. I've seen several of her clients success stories, and those of her co-workers, but for some reason this particular client struck a chord with me! Starting in December I will be training with Jennifer twice a week until I reach my goal. Everything in my life will be changing, and for the first time I feel that I'm finally at a place where I know I will reach this goal.

As for running, I still have every intention on getting back into it. According to my Dr. I need to strengthen my ankle and start out slowly, but there is no reason why I can't run again. I know with Jennifer's help, I will be able to sign up for the Shamrock 8k in March of 2011!! And I am determined to do this with accomplishing a personal best! So stay posted, come December, I'm sure I will have lots to post...

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