Sunday, March 16, 2014

day 10, 11, 13/30: resting squats & realizations

My resting squat is definitely getting better, though from time to time my knees (specifically the right one) decides to be bothersome. I think the change in weather right now is not helping either. On day 11 I managed to get a flat-footed squat for a moment. This is a huge achievement and means my ankle mobility is getting better.

Day 10 after a sweaty WOD

Day 11, felt good in my squat & got some stretching in.

Day 13 after the CrossFit Open 14.3 WOD.

The day before participating in the CrossFit Open 14.3 with my gym mates I practiced my box jumps. I haven't been able to actually jump the 20 inch box. For the actual WOD step-ups are legal, so I knew I would be fine but at some point I need to get over the mental hurdle that stops me from jumping onto a box. So I practiced with a box up against a lifting platform, it makes the box about 16 inches. I then placed a 25# bumper plate on the floor and jumped onto the box that way, that make it about 18 inches. When I got comfortable with that, I changed the 25# plate with a 10# one. This made me a little nervous, but after a couple of failed attempts I got the hang of it. The next step was to remove the plate all together and just jump up from the ground. And on my first try I nailed it! I did it a few more times and nailed it each time! I FINALLY got box jumps! Now at the Open I didn't do box jumps and did step-ups as I was informed these would be more efficient.

And, today I got my new jump rope in the mail today. We sized it to fit my height and I will give it a go this week. Maybe I will finally get double unders! I will keep you posted on my progress (or lack thereof).

*There was no day 12 in resting squat due to knee issues.

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