Thursday, October 17, 2013

to push or to stop

Tonight was probably the first time I came close to crying during a WOD. Not because it hurt or I was tired, which both were very much true, but because I was struggling with a physical and mental battle in finishing. My mind said I could do it, just do it. My body, not so much. Here's the thing, regardless what activity you do, it's good to push yourself. You are never going to excel or proceed to the next level of your training or sport if you don't push yourself. But knowing when to push and when to back off is key. My legs are strong, I can do lunges. My knees on the other hand have been a source of some pain lately. I've been given several theories of what is going on. I'm working on them. Sure my Quads were burning, that sort of pain I can muster through. The sort of pain I was feeling in my knees ran deeper. I struggled with how far to push myself before I backing off. We had to do 7 rounds tonight, I only completed 5 rounds. Not my proudest moment. But it's a matter of only doing 5 rounds and resting up, or doing 7 rounds and possibly injuring myself. Remember to always pay attention to your body, it will always tell you when to stop. Time to ice and rest...

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