Friday, November 1, 2013

day 1 of 61: sugar challenge

Today marked the beginning of the end of refine sugar for me. To refresh your memory, I am doing a sugar challenge through the end of the year. The goal with this is to withdrawal from the cravings of refined sugar, retrain my brain and body in what is good sugar, and in the end have no desire for the crappy food. I put myself up on a similar challenge to give up soda years back, and it worked.

By the end of today I already begun to experience the effects of not having any sugar. My workout was a struggle, I felt weak and slow. Afterwards, a trip to the grocery store was a difficult task. I was hungry, instinctively I wanted to grab whatever sweetness I could find, even a banana. But thankfully, I remained strong enough to walk past all the temptations and grab what I needed and was out of there.

I know this will be a very long journey, but it will be a worthy one. For those of you who decided to join me... GOOD FOR YOU! Be strong. Remember it's a mental game, beat it!