Saturday, March 1, 2014

crossfit open wod 14.1

That statement couldn't be more truer for me then at this very moment. I registered to participate in the CrossFit Open this year. I have no delusions of making my way to the regionals, but this is certainly a great way to see where I am strong and what I need to work on. The Open is broken up into five weeks, one WOD a week. The WOD this week (week 1) was AMRAP in 10 minutes of 30 Doubleunders and 15 Power Snatches (75# for men & 55# for women). Now I expected to run into WODs that would be difficult but having the very first WOD start with something that I have NEVER been able to achieve was frustrating. I am not a fan of Doubleunders, mainly because I can't do them. I have only been trying for maybe the past 3 or so months, I avoided them when I first started CrossFit due to getting shin splints all the time. Last night I practiced my doubleunders, Joon and various other box mates gave me tips on what worked for them. I appreciated everyones input, but part of me wanted to just scream at the top of my lungs from being frustrated. I managed to squeeze out two doubleunders (my first ones) in a matter of an hour. 

Then came the day of truth, my very first competition, and I had already resolved to not making it very far. I accepted that this was not my day and that I would do the best that I could. Thought of it as a practice session, 10 minutes of doubleunders. I squeezed out…. absolutely nothing. I fought for it, tried and tried and tried, but it just wasn't clicking. Part of me is disappointed that I didn't get at least one but I also know that I am better for trying. I did my best and I could've very easily not signed up due to fear of not being able to accomplish anything. It is what it is. I am grateful for the experience and look forward to the next 4 weeks. 

My hand after 10 minutes of Doubleunder attempts.

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