Thursday, August 14, 2014

stop lying to yourself

I need to spout something off that has been bugging me lately. There's been a lot of talk about how women (and anyone for that matter) should love themselves the way they are. I do agree with this statement wholly. I think we, women especially, judge ourselves far too much. This is especially true when it comes to body weight. I am most certainly guilty of it. But what really bothers me is how some women are using the "I love myself as I am" statement as an excuse to be fat. This drives me crazy and I just don't understand why. Listen, I'm all for loving yourself as you are. We're all not going to look the same. Not everyone is going to be skinny and even the opposite some can't gain the weight they need/want.

Take myself for an example, I am overweight and I know this. Instead of focusing on losing weight, I focus on my fitness and diet. I workout to get strong, build muscle, and to be able to function normally because that is my desire. I am working on eating healthier because that is needed for myself to perform well in the gym but also because I want to fuel my body appropriately. In taking these steps I will naturally lose fat weight without that being my main focus. But at this very moment I am taking steps to eating healthier but I don't eat completely healthy, and I am not blinded with the notion that I am fully healthy. Being overweight still puts me at risk for all sorts of things.

So while I love who I am and how I look at this very moment, I know that I need to continue to work on my health and fitness so that I can continue to love myself for a very long time. I don't want to be one of those older adults dealing with diabetes, or high blood pressure, or high cholesterol, etc etc. So if you are like me and are overweight and are working towards being healthier, good for you! I am proud of you. But if you're standing there saying you love who you are and are overweight stuffing a candy bar in your mouth with a soda in your hand, you aren't fooling anyone. Stop lying to yourself and start actually loving yourself by taking steps to being healthier.

This photo was taken from Pinterest.

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