Tuesday, January 5, 2016

new year, perhaps new me?

Well it's been a while, like 5 months since I've posted anything. And I wish I could say it's because I've been so busy breaking records and becoming a CF beast, but no, that is nowhere near the reason. If you read the last few postings than you will remember that I was dealing with a bunch of minor injuries, the biggest being my wrist. I am glad to report that my wrist is doing much better, not 100%, but definitely better. Though I can't front squat the same weight as I did this time last year, I am only about 70# away. Soon enough though...

Last night we did a WOD that had true push-ups as a substitute for another movement. I have been at this consistent working out business now for over 2 years and I found myself so frustrated last night that I just laughed at myself to hold back the tears that wanted to jet out of me. I can't still do a freaking push-up, not even a proper one on my knees. What the hell?! I know I know, I will never get one if I don't put time into it but you think by now I would have made some sort of progress. Sigh. Well I have decided this will be the year of the push-up. I will dedicate time in and outside of the gym to not only work on my technique but all the necessary mobility to keep my body functioning at it's best.

All of last year was just a shit year for my diet and fitness. I fell off every wagon I was on and basically sabotaged everything I worked hard for. How I lost track I am unsure, or I don't care to remember, but that's unimportant. What is important is that I get back on track, find my focus, and put the necessary time and work into my goals. I suppose it is time for me to sit down and work on my SWOG (Strengths, Weaknesses, Objectives, & Goals) list again.

So here's to a great year in health, fitness, and most importantly, happiness!

This photo was taken from Pinterest.

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