Monday, November 18, 2013

breaking personal bests x2

Tonight was an incredible night for me, and well for many of my fellow CrossFitters too. The WOD for today was as follows:

1 RM (rep max) Deadlift
Then for time:
40 Pull-ups
50 KB Swings, 53/35
60 Sit-ups
70 Burpees

This photo was found on Pinterest.

So first let me begin with the deadlift, which happens to be one of my favorite lifts. The last time we had to find our one rep max, which was about 3 or so months ago, I lifted 175#. I was pretty proud of myself and super excited. As we worked on all of our lifts, during the last month I noticed I began to struggle with the deadlift. I couldn't repeat my one rep max or even lift close to it. When a WOD asked for 155# deadlifts, it was a constant struggle. So when I heard we would be working on deadlifts today, I wasn't feeling very confident. I started out with a lighter weight- 85#. I slowly increased the weight until I made it to my previous one rep max, which felt surprisingly good. I bumped up to 185#, then 190#. I was feeling pretty pumped over this, but then my coach Joon said to me "you're still standing, it wasn't heavy enough." I momentarily thought he was crazy, especially when he suggested I try once more at 200#. I just smiled and stood there shocked. But then I figured what the hell, I can attempt it and what's the worse that can happen? I don't get it up. So as I loaded my barbell up with some more weight, I began to think about the things I read in the "Becoming a Supple Leopard" book by Dr. Kelly Starrett. He stated to torque your feet externally without actually turning your feet. As well as being reminded by Joon to drive with my heal. So I walked up to the barbell, got comfortable with my stance, lowered by butt down and grabbed a hold of the bar, and breathed. With much focus, I drove my body upward while many eyes were on me, and before grasping what I had just done I was already lowering the bar down. I just about lost my shit and jumped up and down with excitement! I went from my max being 175# only 3 or so months ago to and increase of 25#!! This definitely was the most amazing feeling. Many of my CrossFitters this evening got incredible one rep maxes, there was definitely something in the air tonight!

As for my other personal best, I managed for the first time to finish a WOD in it's entirety before everyone else in class. It's not necessarily a big thing, but for a chipper WOD like tonight, it's kind of a big deal. I tend to puss out and take many breaks when our workouts are body weight sorts. I don't know if it was the high off of having a rad PR or having flushed refined sugar out of my system, but I was feeling like superwoman. I busted through the workout with speed and a finish time of 14:14. It was certainly a good night...

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