Wednesday, November 27, 2013

knee pain & the plank

Ok, so I'm 13 days into the plank challenge and we've made it to the 1.5 min hold. This is proving to be more challenging than I anticipated. Not so much the plank itself, I knew it would be a challenge… that's the whole point of a challenge. But I didn't factor in that my knees would potentially be a problem, and they are. For a while now my knees have been a source of some discomfort, so much so that I have had to modify or avoid some workouts at my box. This is utterly frustrating to me. I just want to be able to do or try to do what everyone else is doing in class. I'll admit, it makes me feel like a pansy. I have been working on an array of mobility work to help my knees and the surrounding areas, as well as strengthening other muscles, and practicing proper form in other movements. Some days my knees will not cooperate with me and other days I feel like I can climb a mountain with no issues. I'm trying to remain positive and continue to work on what needs to be worked on. But I'm not going to lie, the time it's taking for things to change is frustrating me and mentally draining me. I have little to no patience.

As for the plank, I am not able to hold it for a minute without going into a modify hold. Even if I try to ignore the pain, which I know I shouldn't, I can't. So in lieu of giving up, I will modify the challenge so that I am still able to participate. I will begin to hold the plank for as long as I can until the pain sets in, then I will rest for 30 seconds before continuing on. The time is only counted when I am in a plank position. I encourage anyone else who is participating in the plank challenge to modify the same way if needed. I will not allow my knees to defeat me. This is all just temporary and it will pass… plank on!

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