Wednesday, December 11, 2013

out of commission

So after a kick ass WOD on Monday and RXing for the second time ever, yesterday I managed to hurt/injure myself. While at work, I was walking and suddenly decided to shift right. I don't know exactly what did and did not move, but the next thing I knew I felt a pop in my right (already bad) knee. I felt an extreme sharp pain, and much discomfort almost immediately. For about a minute I couldn't move it, afterwards I couldn't stop limping. Thankfully I work for a chiropractor, so my boss took a look at it right away. I don't think he was able to get a whole lot done as I could not help but tense up and guard my knee. He believes I strained my meniscus.

Later that evening I still went to my box and Coach Joon helped me with some mobility stuff. I rolled out the Quad, Hamstring, and Calf muscles of my right leg and then used the VooDoo Straps. Torturous straps is more like what they are. But oh lord did those straps help. By the end of class I was no longer limping. I'm still extremely sore, mostly from Monday's WOD, but the right leg feels like it took a beating. My knee still has some discomfort and on occasion with the right movement I'll experience a sharp shooting pain. I'm giving myself until Monday before attempting another WOD. I hope for a speedy recovery!

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