Monday, December 2, 2013

the holiday aftermath

Well Thanksgiving has come and gone, and now on to the Christmas festivities. I intentionally started the sugar challenge on November 1st for two month so that during the holidays I would have an obligation to stay on it and not splurge. It's not an uncommon thing for us to overeat during the holidays, with there being a lot of yummy stuff in every corner we turn. I'm proud to say that I barely fell off the wagon this weekend, I stayed on my challenge. I skipped dessert during Thanksgiving, and have yet to eat anything with refined sugar. However, I did cheat Wednesday evening and had a beer three days before I was allowing it back into my diet. I hardly think that will hurt me. And with the weekends schedule being thrown off a bit, I had one too many chocolate milks. Again, I hardly think that will hurt me. December 1st was the day I was allowing wine & beer back into my diet, in moderation. Last night I attended a concert and had just one beer. I know I will have to be strong with the rest of my diet if I don't want the beers to effect my weigh ins. Speaking of which, this coming weeks weigh in will be on Tuesday, after that they will resume on Fridays. I am not expecting a large loss at this weigh in, but I am hopeful.

Last Friday I went to a class since I missed out on Thursday and knew I'd be missing another one this coming week. At first glance at the board, the WOD looked fairly easy. But the thought was short lived, the WOD aptly named 12 Days of Christmas, was going to be a torturous one and it was!

1. Power Snatch ?/65#
2. Ring Dips
3. Burpee's
4. Pull-ups
5. Toes to Bars
6. Push-ups
7. Air Squats
8. Jumping Lunges (though I did Push Presses @ 65#)
9. Box Jumps
10. Wall Balls 20/14#
11. KB Swings
12. Thrusters ?/65#

Now do you remember how the 12 Days of Christmas song goes? It starts of with one, then it is two and then one, and so on. That was pretty much how the workout went. We'd do one first, then do two, one, then three, two, one, and so on and so on. It wasn't too terribly bad until I hit #8. Adding push presses into the mix was brutal, and then #10 with the wall balls, and then #12 was the ultimate killer. By the last round I had to remove the weights off and just use the 35# bar. Today is the first day that my pec's aren't killing me. I swear Tony had to have laughed his ass off as he wrote the WOD that morning!!

How did you fair with the holiday aftermath?

This was taken from Pinterest.

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