Sunday, December 28, 2014

fran & updates

Today I went to CFST, probably for the first time ever on a Sunday. I am not sure why I never went before, especially since it is a Benchmark class. We worked on Fran today, and I have to be honest, I hate Fran. Anything with thrusters will always make me cringe. But I will be honest, I was relieved to learn we had no running in todays WOD. I really did not want to run again after yesterdays WOD. Anyway, the last time I did Fran I only did 55# and the ring rows. Because I don't like thrusters I don't work on them very often, which translates to my not being very efficient with them. Today though I decided to do the RX weight of 65# to challenge myself a little more. Especially since I KNOW I can do that weight. My pull-ups are banded ones and I typically do those when pull-ups are in the WOD but because we were trying to get the best time possible with Fran, I stuck with ring rows and focused on beating my time from August. Well ladies and gents, I am pleased to say I beat my time by 36 seconds. It was a great feeling!! I suppose it is time to really work on becoming more efficient with my thrusters and continue working on my pull-ups.

In other news, I have done some updates to my blog. Because I really want to keep track of my progress in some areas, I want a better way to know if the time I post under "Personal Records" is a modified WOD or RX. So from now on when I post a time, I will place a "M" to signify that it was a modified WOD. I also created a new tab, personal records notes, where I can keep notes on the WODs that I do modify. This way I can keep track of exactly what it was I modified within that WOD. This is more for me but since I know quite a few of you do read what I post, I figured I'd let you in on the changes you may notice.

I continue to thank everyone who has, who does, and who will support me. It is much appreciated.

This photo was taken from Pinterest

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