Tuesday, July 22, 2014

my loss & fight for mojo

If you know me personally or are my friend on Facebook than you are already aware of the loss that Aaron and I are going through. For those of you who are not aware we had to make the difficult decision to surrender our loving cat, Mojo, to the Oregon Humane Society in order for him to receive the medical care he so desperately needed. About 12 or so days ago we rushed him to an Animal Hospital when we noticed that he was straining to pee. Turned out that his urethra was blocked by a tiny crystal. They drained his bladder and flushed out as much of the crystals and debris as possible, he stayed there for 3 days to recover and to be sure he was in the clear. He came home on a Saturday to very happy fur-parents. We ended up paying close to $2000 for his emergency care, this forced us to look into pet insurance. Unfortunately none of our research was fast enough as 10 days later he started to exhibit the same behavior and again we rushed him to the vets. It wasn't good new. I refused to end his life just because we couldn't pay the amount again so soon, but I am distraught that I had to give him up indefinitely for him to get the care he needed. My heart is broken into so many pieces.

We've received an outpouring of love and support from family and friends that is completely overwhelming but appreciated. So many people have offered to adopt Mojo and give him back to us. Some even expressed anger that OHS would not just simply give Mojo back to us knowing that he has a good home and is well loved. The more and more I think about this, it upsets me that they refuse to give him back. But on the flip side, I kind of understand. Trust me, if we had the funds to pay for his treatment than we would've paid gladly. But after already fronting $2000 for his first procedure only 10 days prior, we just didn't have anymore to give.

I am in the process of learning about many organizations that offer emergency funds to pets/families in need. I never knew these existed. I have called OHS to ask if we were able to come up with the funds, if we could get Mojo back. I'm still waiting to hear back from them with an answer, it's been several hours and the waiting is really hard to deal with. Aaron intends on giving them a call and seeing if he can get any answers before we attempt to apply for emergency funds and signing up for a fund-raiser.

I am trying to remain positive but I also don't want to set myself up for more heartbreak. Mojo is my fur child and I love him immensely. The last 24 hours have been brutal but I'm simply moving one foot in front of the other.

Mojo and I

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